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Monday 8 August 2016

Rhinoplasty in India: Best and Affordable Cosmetic Procedures

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is basically the cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed to alter the shape of your nose to make it more attractive and appealing.
This is a purely cosmetic procedure and is also one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures worldwide. This procedure helps to correct any indentations, or deformities, in or near the nose.


Liposuction – Reshape Your Way to Youthfulness

What is Liposuction?

A liposuction procedure is a less invasive cosmetic surgery that involves removing the excess fat deposits from your body using a suction device. This is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures worldwide that allows you to regain a slimmer, more youthful and attractive figure.


India Offers The Best Cosmetic Surgeons

What is a Cosmetic Surgeon?

A cosmetic surgeon is basically a specialist trained in diagnosing and performing the various types of cosmetic surgeries. A cosmetic surgeon has to get special additional training to manage and handle all types of aesthetic (plastic) surgeries that might be required. 


Abdominoplasty In India: Efficient And Affordable Treatment

 What is an Abdominoplasty?

An abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to flatten your abdomen by removal of the excess fat and skin from it and tightening the abdominal wall muscles.
Although this is a major form of surgery it is now performed using minimally invasive technique that requires less number of, and smaller, incisions than compared to the conventional open-type surgical technique.


Most Efficient Tummy Tuck in India

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck procedure is a form of cosmetic surgery that aims to reshape your body into a more attractive shape or to restore your natural and youthful body shape after pregnancy or a drastic weight-loss experience.
This is a purely cosmetic procedure and involves using minimally invasive surgical technique to remove small deposits of excess fat from the abdominal region. This procedure is mostly performed to remove the stubborn fat deposits seen in the abdominal area and which have not been removed using any other method.


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